Log an Apartment Query

To log a query on an apartment please click here, or simply type owcrs.net into your browser address bar (clear the browser address bar totally, and simply type "owcrs.net").

You will need to Log-in using your apartment identification number. You would have received this on arrival in South Africa. If you have misplaced or forgotten the apartment identification number, simply click here to send an email where in you must include your unit number and complex name .

The Onga Wari Apartment query handing system ("OWCRS" for short) has been developed with you in mind.

Once you have a logged a query, an email is immediately dispatched to the relevant person who will be assisting in resolving your query. There is no need for a consultant to make a follow up call or send a follow-up email.

The query is logged and will automatically be escalated internally in the event of it not been completed timeously.

When completed, an email will be sent to you confirming the completion of the query.

The query should be correctly logged, per room and per item.

All queries are catagorised in the following manner:

- Inventory Query:
All queries relating to inventory items broken or missing in the unit.

- Non-Inventory Query:
All queries relating to walls, plumbing, windows, doors etc.

- Maid Service Query:
All queries relating to maids services.

We look forward to assisting you.

Click here to log a query: owcrs.net